Monday, May 12, 2008 - Page updated at
08:11 AM
Unintended consequences can result
when natural wetlands are replaced. Bullfrogs thrive in the algae-choked
stormwater ponds at Trilogy Golf Club at Redmond Ridge. The invasive frogs, which
aren't native to the West, gobble juvenile salmon and native amphibians.
Retaining walls — the tallest
of their kind in the world, towering as high as 135 feet — hold back 14
million cubic yards of fill dirt trucked in, then leveled, to create the third
runway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Part of the runway sits on what
once was a wetland.
Good intention: Engineers installed
a large pipe to help direct rainwater from the surface of Sea-Tac's newly paved
third runway into Miller Creek and the freshwater system built to restore
wetlands affected by the project.
Bad result: Part of the creek
relocated by the Port of Seattle as mitigation for its third runway flows too
slowly to provide the spawning habitat for salmon that it was supposed to.
The Port of Seattle is spending a
total of $62 million to replace the wetlands filled in for a third runway at
Sea-Tac. However, an Army Corps of Engineers scientist says "the jury is
still out" on the success of some of the mitigation.
Join the discussion
Wednesday at noon, join us for a live webcast
and interactive chat about the future of Puget Sound. Local business,
government and environmental leaders will take your questions.
Tuesday | Live Q&A: What can I do to help
protect Puget Sound?
Curtis Hinman, a watershed ecologist with
Washington State University Extension office in Pierce County and Jim Brennan,
a marine habitat specialist will take your questions at noon on Tuesday about
things you can do to protect Puget Sound.
wetlands: a broken promise
Seattle Times staff reporters
The state's commitment to our fragile
wetlands dates back two decades.
On Dec. 12, 1989, Gov. Booth Gardner
announced that half the state's wetlands were gone, and 2,000 acres more were
vanishing each year. So he issued an order: For each marshy piece of ground
paved, another would be created to replace it.
Not only would the state stop losing
wetlands, Gardner vowed, but wetlands in Washington would actually increase.
Twenty years later, the promise has
proved hollow. Destruction of wetlands, vital to the health of Puget Sound, is
still routine, and attempts to replicate them are too often a failure.
This year, even as Gov. Christine
Gregoire, the newly formed Puget Sound Partnership and teams of scientists all
work to protect and restore Puget Sound, the management of wetlands in
Washington remains in disarray. It's part of a pattern of failure that taints
Washington's "green" veneer. While we may not be breaking the law, we
are breaking our promise to protect Puget Sound:
• The rules for wetlands
protection are mired in a regulatory swamp. Regulations are varied, and efforts
to protect one wetland can be wiped out by upstream neighbors operating
completely within the law.
• Time and again, efforts to
re-create nature by replacing wetlands fail, if the effort is made at all. The
science is relatively new and evolving, and wetlands replacements are often
allowed to be afterthoughts for developers. Even the most well-planned,
well-financed efforts can go awry.
• Oversight of wetland projects
is weak or nonexistent. At every level — city, county, state and federal
— job one for most agency staffers is promptly issuing more permits, not
following up to make sure that mitigation intended to make up for wetland
destruction actually works.
Even the state's highest environmental
officials concede the system is broken. But officials insist they are racing to
make changes. "I'm bound and determined to make them happen quickly,"
said Jay Manning, the director of the state Department of Ecology.
But the people in the field who are
hired to fix the system say success may be a longshot. It would require a
fundamental shift in the way the people of Puget Sound handle development,
putting wetlands preservation first — a shift that the region may not be
prepared to make.
"We are kidding ourselves; the
emperor has no clothes," said Thomas Hruby, a senior ecologist at the
Ecology Department. "Everybody says it, and it's been going on for at
least 20 years. We are deluding ourselves, hoping there is a silver bullet out
there that will allow us to have our growth and not have the impacts.
"It's a state of denial."
Flubbed engineering
Nowhere is the difficulty of wetland
replacement more visible than at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
Here, on old cropland west of the
airfields, bisected by Miller Creek, the Port of Seattle has spent almost $4
million creating a freshwater system to make up for destruction of wetlands in
the Miller Creek basin filled to build a third runway.
The Port tore down 300 homes and
planted 168,000 willows and other native plants. Workers hauled out old tires
and garbage and dropped 200 gnarled logs into Miller Creek for salmon and trout
habitat. As a backup plan, the Port also spent $14 million and took 68 acres of
fallow pasture several miles away in Auburn and converted them into wetland.
The project had everything going for
it: heavy funding, a motivated developer, meticulous maintenance, and plenty of
oversight. If any mitigation project was set up to succeed, it was Miller
Creek. But results are mixed. While the Auburn pasture conversion is looking
good so far, engineers miscalculated when they took on Miller Creek.
Part of the new creek bottom slopes so
little that the water moves too slowly to provide the salmon-spawning habitat
it was supposed to. Sun warms the slow-moving water, allowing thick mats of
algae to grow that threaten to suffocate young trout and salmon.
No one knows yet if the project will
work as intended. "Most of it is doing very well, but the jury is still
out," said Gail Terzi, a senior wetlands scientist with the Army Corps of
"We had money, oversight,
stringency, everything, and we still have a problem."
Nature's kidneys
From the squishy mats beneath
Sitka-spruce forests to the banks of swampy ponds everywhere, wetlands hold and
filter water. Soggy marshes, rushes and cattails help moderate storm runoff and
absorb floodwater.
A single acre of wetland can store a
million gallons of water. In summer, it is released to nurture hundreds of
species of insects, amphibians and fish, and replenish groundwater.
"We can't manage Puget Sound from
the shoreline seaward," said Mike Rylko, Puget Sound coordinator for the
Environmental Protection Agency in Seattle.
"We have to manage it from the
Cascades down through the watershed, and everything has to move through those
wetlands. They are the kidneys, the filter, and the buffer against
Wetlands can be destroyed only as a
last resort. And then they have to be replaced by something that serves the
same ecological function. But that so-called "mitigation" strategy is
a tricky alchemy of hydrology, engineering and gardening.
"No net loss? I think we stopped
measuring it about as quickly as it became a policy. I don't think we ever got
good at it," Rylko said. "It's easy to say and easy to mean but
really hard to do, especially when we are adding a lot of people every year.
... We aren't getting anything near what we are losing, and the pace is
Instead of protecting wetlands, too
often people destroy them and replace them with mitigation sites that are too
dry, flat or isolated to do what the natural wetland did.
Engineers plant the wrong shrubs or
let them shrivel up and die. Invasive weeds take over and drive out native
plants. Some replacements are never built at all.
"A lot of us ... have felt badly
over the years that we are misleading the people and fooling ourselves that we
are doing OK, that we are getting replacement and protecting the most important
places," said Andy McMillan, a wetlands manager at the Ecology Department.
There's no way to count the lost acres
of natural systems. The state's acres of wetlands have never been tallied.
The Ecology Department's files on
wetlands projects before 2004 are incomplete, scattered in archives or missing.
In 1998, a King County sampling of
wetlands projects found only 3 percent functionally replaced wetlands destroyed
by development. In 2002, a similar Ecology Department survey found fewer than
half of the wetlands it examined were even moderately successful.
Terzi estimates that anywhere between
20 and 50 percent of wetlands mitigation permitted by the corps is successful.
And that's typical of wetlands projects around Puget Sound.
"You have a bunch of wetlands out
there that are glorified stormwater ponds with a chain-link fence surrounded by
pavement," Terzi said.
During a recent tour of wetlands
projects in South King County, Dyanne Sheldon, a private wetlands consultant,
noted dying young trees along Oakesdale Avenue in Renton.
The city of Renton planted 5,000 trees
and shrubs there in 2001 to make up for wetlands destroyed by a road project.
Only 8 percent survived. The city planted more — this time putting the
wrong plants in the wrong spots.
"Look, it's the golden
cedar," Sheldon joked darkly of the dead trees' hue, "a species
rarely seen — unless you take a red cedar and plant it in the bright
When projects succeed, it's no
accident. On Issaquah Creek in King County, new spruces have finally taken root
after several failed plantings to make up for wetlands lost to build the
Issaquah courthouse.
But it's only considered a success now
because King County — which has strengthened its wetland-protection
efforts since the 1998 survey — bothers to send employees out to check
and recheck. Few others do.
Rules "a bit of a joke"
Of about 700 projects statewide
permitted by the Army Corps, only about 5 percent are inspected on the ground.
In Pierce County a few years ago, the
county government made plans to hire a consultant to improve environmental
enforcement, including wetlands. Instead, the money went to processing
development applications.
Until a few years ago in Snohomish
County, biologists used to visit wetlands projects. But then county managers
ordered them to focus on processing wetland-development applications instead.
Code-enforcement officers, who are trained in construction standards, not ecology,
were assigned to check wetlands projects instead.
Then again, wetlands rules have never
been palatable to builders, farmers and forestland owners. They have long
questioned the value of rules they say stymie responsible and legal
"It's a mess," said Jodi
Slavik, general counsel for the Building Industry Association of Washington, a
trade group in Olympia.
It's not fair to blame builders for
the failure of the system, Slavik says. Builders know how to build buildings,
not wetlands. And when they are finished with their projects, they want to move
"Then it's up to homeowner
associations to maintain these wetlands and open areas, but frankly it is just
not practical, and to keep these wetlands functioning in an urban area, well,
the landscape has changed," Slavik said.
The building industry carries
considerable clout in Olympia, and efforts to boost wetland protection in the
1990s resulted in industry and property-rights activists pushing for ballot
measures and budget cuts to squeeze the Ecology Department.
So even as development pressure
increased, Democratic Gov. Gary Locke and the state Legislature slashed Ecology
Department staffing by 15 percent. The wetlands program was among the
"We were just keeping our heads
down, trying to keep from getting cut more," said McMillan, the Ecology
Department wetlands manager.
Today, the Ecology Department still
doesn't have an employee assigned to look for illegally filled wetlands. It was
only last July that the department got money to check mitigation sites for
permit compliance.
On the local level, governments
usually require developers to post monetary bonds to ensure they will complete
mitigation projects. But local governments rarely follow up and call developers
to account.
Lisa Brandt, King County's only
wetlands-compliance officer, said the county has kept the bonds only three
times — out of about 400 recent projects that she can recall. And in
Snohomish County, Tom Rowe, a manager with the planning and development
department, couldn't recall a single instance.
"It got to a point where the
regulations were a bit of a joke," agreed Snohomish County Councilman Dave
"If you don't enforce them, and
everybody knows it, what's the point?"
Change on the way?
Snohomish County biologists started
inspecting wetlands again last fall. The Corps of Engineers says it has hired
more people for its regulatory program and is issuing new rules to beef up
wetland protection and permit compliance.
State Ecology Director Manning says he
wants a regionwide wetland-restoration program that would recapture some of
what's been lost. Protection and restoration of estuarine wetlands, critical to
the health of Puget Sound, is bringing back some of the 70 percent of salt
marshes destroyed by development.
Manning also pitches mitigation banks,
in which developers buy credits for large-scale restorations performed by
professionals to benefit entire watersheds — rather than the piecemeal
mitigation projects done by developers.
"We've not shown yet,
historically, that we can deal with the death-by-a-thousand
But Manning said he believes public
opinion is finally on his side.
"This is the best environment for
the environment in this state since the 1970s," he said.
Lynda V. Mapes:
206-464-2736 or lmapes@seattletimes
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Times Company